Sweden’s smallest and most International Storytelling Festival
happened on August 2, 3 & 4 2019 under the theme
The Sacred Masculine
Dear people!
Up here you see the festival flyer as I found it on our lane.
A perfect symbol for the fading memory of the time we spent together around the
challenging theme of The Sacred Masculine. This theme may have scared away quite some people, but not you.
You came!
What we will remember of what we did together is surely very different for each and everyone of us. What I remember is that we came together in a circle. We told our stories to each other.
And we listened!
Let´s give thanks to the power of the circle!
And a special thank you to Gary, Åsa, Mia, Jeroen and Mats, who held the circle,
which – in my eyes – is one of the sublime qualities of the sacred masculine.
I myself keep on thinking about the story that Coby told on the last evening about her father. He was by all means not a holy man, but he carried inside him some aspects of the sacred masculine, that he effortlessly could pass on when acting from his
enthusiasm and love for life.
And yes, we all do that, all the time!
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
PS Örsundsbro Storytelling Festival will [inshallah] be back in two years, with an other theme [The Best Stories I ever Heard?] and other storytellers, but with
[hopefully] many of the same participants!!
Welcome back!!
With Gary Kendall [USA], Mats Rehnman [Sweden], Mia Verbeelen [Flanders, Belgium] Jeroen de Jong [The Netherlands], Gunilla Cullemark [Sweden], Jan Roelofs [The Netherlands] and Frans Koenigs [Sweden/The Netherlands].
Musik: Christina Falk [song] and Anna Brolin [piano].
Örsundsbro is situated between Uppsala and Enköping, one hour by car from Stockholm and Arlanda Airport.
Clicking on the following subjects gives you information about the festival in 2019.
Storytelling Festival 2019 | Festival Program | Storytellers | Workshops | Registration | Tickets |Map & Locations | Stay Over
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